Hebrew Letter Match Game

The Hebrew Letter Matching Game is typically used as a motivator and reward for young students learning the Hebrew alphabet. The game is shared between the student and a teacher. The teacher might be a tutor, parent, or anyone who already knows the alphabet.
The teacher selects a set of letters with or without vowels that the student has learned. The letters are hidden behind numbered panels. The student chooses a panel, a Hebrew letter is exposed, and the teacher will ask the student to say the name of the letter and/or its sound.
When the student picks two panels with matching letters, a cheering sound is played, and the panels indicate the match with color. Typically, the students really enjoy the cheer!
How to play

When the game is launched the settings page is displayed (in the MAC version, you have to select the Settings option in side panel, in the iPad version there is no need). The teacher chooses the size of the playing board (number of rows and columns). The status line indicates how many letters need to be selected to populate the board, as well as how many have been selected.
When the number required is selected, the Play button is enabled (in the MAC version, the Game Board option is enabled), which, when selected displays the game board.
The game board contains yellow numbered panels. When selected, a Hebrew letter appears. When another panel is selected with the matching letter, both panels turn green and the cheer sounds.
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